These opioids will actually lower
developing heart disease in the future, and the same applies if you are a smoker and/or if you have high cholesterol levels in the danger zone. Being a diabetic will also increase your risk of heart disease, but there are certain lifestyle changes that you can make to help reduce your risk of heart disease, such as practicing acupuncture. Here, we will discuss how acupuncture treatments can actually improve your heart health and help reduce the risk of cardiac arrest.
Can Acupuncture Improve Your
Heart Health?
When you undergo acupuncture therapy opioids are released: These
opioids will actually lower your risk of heart disease, as they will reduce
your heart’s need for oxygen, and will also help lower your blood pressure. In
fact, when practiced regularly, acupuncture treatments will also help reduce
your risk of heart disease in many key areas.
High blood pressure, as mentioned, is a very high-risk factor for
developing heart disease. As such, when you have blood pressure you will not
only have to deal with an elevated risk of developing heart disease at some
point in your life, but your risk of developing kidney disease, or having a
heart attack or stroke, will also rise exponentially.
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